Mem # 13
John 4 verse 10
" If you knew the gift of God...And whom you are talking with...He would have given you living water..."
The thirteenth symbol letter Mem is a wave of water. God made our world out of water. God's water is life- sustaining to us. Our bodies need water to live. We are made from water and earth. God also gave us water to wash the dirt off of us and to keep us clean. God's words in Hebrew are called Mayeem Chaiyeem. They mean living water. God's water words flow into our minds and wash the dirty thought words out of us. The dirty ideas that people tell us will make us sick if we believe them and do what they say. We need to read our Bible, which means to drink it into our mind. This will wash our minds clean with God's water words. This is also called being baptized. Being baptized is a symbol of having our sins of dirty disobedience washed clean by God.